Many people think that working out requires you to join an expensive gym or to attend pricey pilates classes. This is simply not true. There are dozens of ways to get in shape without breaking the bank. Here are a few examples. Of course, it goes without saying that you should consult a doctor before taking on a new exercise program.
Walk Yourself To Fitness
Walking is of course free and very good for you. The good thing about walking is that it does not require you to buy fancy running shoes to take care of your feet. Just an ordinary pair of sneakers will do because it is a low impact exercise. This also makes it great for those with bad knees.
Like with any exercise program, you should ramp up slowly. Do not go out there and think you can walk five miles if your longest walk you have taken in the last year is to the mailbox.
Also, keep your exercises interesting by choosing good locations to do your walks. Sure, you can just walk around your neighborhood and get the job done but you will have far more fun going to a scenic park.
Once you get the hang of things, kick up your exercise program a notch with a pair of hand weights. You can get a pair for under $10 depending on the weight that you need.
Sweat At Home
It used to be that you had to buy a bunch of workout tapes to workout at home. Remember VHS?
Nowadays, you can get hundreds, if not thousands of workouts online. Check out websites like Fitness Blender, where you can get free workout videos. Chose from cardio workouts, toning workouts , flexibility routines and more. Whatever your goal is, you can find a workout that can help get you there.
Buy Inexpensive Equipment
Fitness equipment is expensive but it sells for pennies on the dollar online. This is especially true a few months after the new year. All those resolutions crumble and a bunch of almost new fitness gear hits Craigslist.
That treadmill that retailed for over 1000 dollars will sell for maybe 200 dollars online. That weight set and bench that goes for $400 retail, can be picked up for closer to $100. Deals are everywhere out there, just take a look for yourself.
If you must buy new or just do not like dealing with the classifieds, you can still get a workout buying inexpensive gear. Get a jumprope for under $10 or a resistance band for $5. There are a lot of good workouts that can be completed with just some very basic gear.
Join A Budget Gym
There are all kinds of gyms out there. Sure, some will cost you $100 a month or even more but there are also a bunch of budget conscious ones. Usually family owned/local gyms.
Gym memberships can be had in many towns now for as little as $10 to $20 a month. These are no frill gyms, so do not expect a sauna or olympic sized pool.
What you will get, in most cases is a series of machine stations and plenty of cardio equipment. Most will line up the machines in a logical order for a complete workout. This will allow you to work every muscle without any training experience. Just complete the circuit and then hit the treadmill or bike.
Do Body Weight Workouts
You do not need expensive equipment or a gym to get a good full body workout. You can accomplish similar results with a series of body weight workouts.
Pushups, pullups, lunges, crunches, etc. There are dozens of exercises that you can do without any weights at all. As you get stronger, simply add repetitions to your workout in place of weight.
The good thing about body weight workouts is that they can keep your muscles in shape but are easier on the joints. Heavy weights tend to be tougher on joints and cartilage.
Follow your body weight workout with a nice walk around the block or perhaps a jog even.
Exercise With A Friend
It is always easier to stick with a workout when you have a buddy doing it with you. This is especially true with the free stuff.
Without an expensive personal trainer pushing you, you might find it hard to stay motivated. A friend can do just that.
If you don’t feel like going for your walk or doing your routine, you can have somebody to push you.
Get A Fitness Tracker
These are not cheap but they can actually pay for themselves. Smart trackers can cost anywhere from $50 to hundreds of dollars for a smart watch. Many insurance companies will use the data from these devices to prove that you workout.
Check with your health insurance company to see if they are one that will extend this discount. Then just go about your business getting your daily steps in.
If your insurance company does not offer a discount, consider a used tracker online. As people upgrade, they sell their old ones cheap and you will find that these devices are very helpful in keeping you motivated.