Stressed because she needs money today.

Need Money Today?

Don’t stress about it. If you need money in a hurry, we can definitely help. We can present you with a number of options that can get you the money that you need as early as today. Ready to get started? Let’s find a way for you to get some money.

#1. Get A Quick Quote!

Our first solution is to get a fast loan quote for the money that you need. It takes just a minute and you are under NO OBLIGATION. Even if you do not want a loan, you can use it as a backup in case you are unable to come up with money elsewhere. It is free to get a quote, so let’s see your offer.

Money received today from a loan.

Quick Links:
Get A Quote NowSell PlasmaPawn IteBay ItAsk Family

Personal Loans As Your Solution

The great thing about a loan is that you can get the money quickly. Once approved, your lender can often get the money into your account as soon as the next business day. No, this is not today but it is the next best thing. Plus, if approved, you can reset easy knowing that the money is really headed your way.

The loan quote process is very easy and straight forward. Simply fill out one short quote form and get an offer from a lender who wants to work with you. You can then review your offer and decide if it is right for you. If you want it, accept the loan and complete the process online. If you do not like it, turn it down or simply keep it as a backup.

The time that you will have to pay back the loan will depend on several factors. It could depend on your personal qualifications, your lenders preference and the amount that you choose to borrow. You could wind up with a loan of one month, three months or even three years.

#2. Donate Plasma

Did you know that you can get paid to donate plasma. I am sure that you are aware of blood donations but there is a big difference between the two.

With blood, you do not get paid. Maybe sometimes you might get a $5 gift card to Starbucks or a T-Shirt, but no real money. Plasma on the other hand can be sold for some decent money. Companies use it to make life saving products and they will pay you for your time and, of course, your plasma.

In addition, blood donations are limited to once every 2 months or 56 days. This is because it takes your red blood cells time to regenerate. In the plasma donation process, your red blood cells are returned to you. This means that you can donate more often. You can actually donate plasma twice a week as long as you wait at least 48 hours between donations.

So, your next question is probably, how much can you make? You can make anywhere from $20 to $50 per donation. This means that you can make $40 to $100 a week or around $200 to $400 a month. The amount that you get paid will vary by donation center and your weight. The more you weight, the more you can donate and the more you will get paid.

If you would like to donate plasma in order to make money today, do a simple search for “donate plasma”. You can also find information on how and where to donate plasma here.

#3. Pawn Something

Pawn shops are everywhere and they make it easy for you to get cash today. When it comes to pawnshops, you have two ways to make some money.

First, you can just sell something to them outright. This is the option that will get you the most money from a pawn shop typically. This is not to say that they will give you retail value for your property though. They will give you wholesale, used pricing for your items since they will need to be able to resell it for a profit.

In addition, the amount that you receive for your property will depend on its desirability. If they have a shelf full of iPods, for example, you are not going to be given much for yours.

A second way to get money from a pawn shop is to get  a pawn loan. In this scenario, the shop will give you a loan, using your property as collateral. The good thing is that you will be able to get your property back when you repay the money. If you do not have anything that you are willing to part with forever, that might make a pawn loan a good option.

The downside to the pawn loan is that it will come with fees. They will charge interest and usually they will also charge contract fees and storage fees. They will add up and if you can not afford to pay everything back, you might lose your item. If you think that you will be unable to pay a pawn loan back, your best option is probably to sell your item outright.

#4. Sell Something On eBay

If you have a bit more time, you can sell something on eBay. This is usually best for small items that are in high demand and can be easily shipped. There are two good ways to sell on eBay. One will get you the most money and one will get you the money the fastest, even today.

First, let’s look at getting the most money. To do this, you would want to see as many potential bidders as possible. This means an extended auction. Auctions can run up to 10 days and this will yield you the most money.

Don’t be alarmed when there is not a lot of activity in the first days of the auctions. Look at the number of watchers and that number will increase as the auction goes on. As the time gets closer to the auction end time, activity will dramatically increase if you have a popular item.

Because the most action will occur at the end of the auction, you need to set your auction to end when most people will be able to view it. This will either be in the afternoon or early evening. The last thing that you would want is to have your auction end at 2AM.

The second way to get money with eBay will get you the money the fastest, possibly even today. With this method, you will need a very popular item and you will need to list it as a “buy it now” listing. You will also have to list it competitively. A good rule of thumb is to list it for 10% less than what a full auction item would wind up selling for.

When you set up the rules for your auction, insist that the buyer has to pay for the item immediately with PayPal. Then, you can use a new instant pay feature from PayPal. Simply link a debit card to your account and you will be able to instantly transfer money to your bank account.

If you have done everything right, listing a popular item, pricing it competitively and setting your listing as a buy it now, you can have money in the same day in many cases.

#5. Ask Your Family For Help

In most cases, your family is there to help you. Perhaps you could ask for a loan from a family member. If you go this route, there are some rules that you should follow to make sure that the transaction goes smoothly.

First, you should write out the details of the loan into a contract. Write down how much you are borrowing and how much you will be paying back. Also list how much you intend to pay back each month. This is important because over time, people remember things differently. They might, for example remember loaning you $1500 when they actually only loaned you $1200. They might believe that you agreed to pay back $200 a month when you only said that you could pay back $100. A written contract protects you both.

The net thing that that you need to do is record everything you pay back. Cash is strictly out of the question, unless you can get a receipt for it. The best way to pay back your family loan is to write them checks or use an electronic service like Zelle. Something that eaves a paper trail in case memories get blurry.

#6 Get Cash For Your Old Phone

Got an old phone going to waste in your drawer? Use it to get money as soon as today. How? Easy.

Take your old phone to one of the thousands of ecoATM’s. These kiosks will test your phone and then make you an offer. If you like it, you can get money today.

Don’t have an ecoATM in your area? Head over to Gazelle and get a cash offer for your phone. Accept the offer and just hip the phone off to Gazelle. Once they receive it and examine it, they will send you the cash that you need. It may take a few days, but that is still fairly quick.