Loan Top $100 Loan

Need $100 Right Now?

If you need $100 for a surprise expense, we can help you. At Loan Monkey, we give you access to one of the largest network of lenders on the net. Fill out one short form and a lender from our network will send you an offer for a quick loan. There is no obligation, so why not take a minute and get your $100 loan offer.

Let’s Get Started!

I need 100 dollars now graphic

Fast Cash LoansGet Your QuoteAbout The Loan Process

Getting A Fast Loan

If you need a loan, the process is fairly easy and quick. Basically, you fill out one short form and then your information is securely sent to our loan network. The information is reviewed and a lender will send you an offer. Review the offer and if you  like it, you can have the money that you need, in this case a 100 dollar loan. In addition, you can have it deposited directly into your bank account as soon as the very next business day.

The best thing about getting a loan quote online through Loan Monkey is that your odds of approval are better. The size of the network allows for lenders with all different sorts of requirements. You do not have to fit one particular mold to get an approval. In fact, the base requirements are very limited. If you have a checking account, a source of income and a contact number, you are well on your way to getting approved for $100 or even more.

Do keep in mind that it is always a serious decision to take out a loan. Make sure that you know exactly what you are getting into. Know how much the fees are, when it is due to be repaid and how it will be repaid. Your lender will provide you with all of this information and you will be able to review it before you make your decision. If you do not agree to the terms, you simply turn down the loan and walk away. If you agree with the terms and want the loan, you can accept it and your funds will be deposited right into your bank account. This can occur as soon as the next business day.

More On The Application Process

Decide How Much You Need

Sit down and think about just how much you need. If you just need 100 dollars now, just take out that much. Depending on the stat you live in though, you may be able to tale a loan out for as much as 1000 dollars.

Fill Out The Loan Form

Located at the top of this page is a short loan form for you to fill out. The form is secure and it puts you under no obligation. It is also very short, asking only for some basic information. You will need to enter your name and address, information about your source of income, your banking information and a few other little odds and ends. It will about two minutes to complete , maybe less.

Submit Your Loan Form

Once you have completed the form, you will be asked to submit it. When you do, your information will be securely sent to the loan network. If approved, a lender will send you a loan offer. The offer will include all of the details of the loan which you will need to approve. Be thorough and do not blindly just accept a loan. Be an informed consumer and do not simply agree because you need money now.

Accept Your Loan Offer

If you like the terms that have been presented to you, you can approve your loan. Once you do so, the money will be deposited directly into your bank account. This can occur as soon as the next business day. Use the $100 that you borrowed to pay for whatever you need.

Repay Your Loan

On the predetermined day, identified in your loan contract, your lender will withdraw the principal and any fees that were agreed upon. If you find that you can not repay the loan on time, you should contact your lender as soon as possible. They may have options for you although those options may involve additional fees.

Other Ways To Get Money

A loan is not always the best choice. You might have other options. Here are a few things to consider. Some ways that you might be able to make $100 or even more in a day or two.

Sell Your Cell

If you have an old phone rotting away in your junk drawer, you could be sitting on money. Sure, it is nice to have  backup phone, but you need $100 right now. Look for a cell phone trade in kiosk that will give you cash right away. There are also mail in services that will allow you to send in your phone with prepaid shipping.

Turn In Your Change

Have you seen those coin collecting machines at the grocery store? You might be surprised at just how much money you have lying around in the form of change. Grab that change jar and clean out the gaps in your couch, collecting change. It is not uncommon to find $100 in change in the average house.

Donate Your Plasma

Not squeamish? Good, simply donate your plasma and you could have the money that you need. You might be able to get everything you need in just one donation even. It depends on your size. The bigger you are, the more you can donate and the more you can make. Even if you can’t get all your money in one donation, with plasma you can donate up to twice a week so you will get there. You can easily make 400 dollars a month donating plasma and you can do it every month.

Ask A Friend

What is a hundred bucks between friends? A lot! Be careful, money can come between the best of friends but if you are tight with your  buddies and are sure that you can pay the money back quickly, this can be a great choice.

One Reply to Need $100 Right Now?

  1. I sold my cell phone on Zelle and got $120. You might give that a try if you need $100. It was super easy to do also, they even paid for me to ship it to them.

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