Get An Online Loan
While store credit can be hard to come by, online credit is generally much easier to qualify for, even with bad credit. We can even help you get an offer for bad credit riding mower financing. Here is how it works.
You fill out one quote form, using the link above, and submit your information securely online. if approved, one lender from the lending group will make you an offer and you will be redirected to their website to view the details.If you like the offer, you can generally complete all of the steps online and then your lender will send you money just as soon as possible. This can happen as soon as the next day.
Once the money is in your account, you can then go about shopping for your riding mower. As a cash buyer, you will be able to shop any store that you like, which gives you the ability to price shop. Not being locked down to one store definitely has advantages.
The good part about online financing is that it is easy to get and will allow you to buy the mower that you need and want right away. It does have a bad side however, especially if you have bad credit. Interest rates and fees can be high, so be careful.
Buy A Used Riding Mower
Don’t want to finance a riding mower?
If you do not have the cash to pay for a brand new one, a used mower might be just the thing. A mower that cost 2000 dollars when new, can be found for half of that cost on the used market, maybe even less.
The catch here is that you must be careful not to be buying somebody else’s problem. You can do this with a little creative seller interviewing and some close inspection.
If you find a mower that you are interested in, the most important question that you can ask the seller is, “Why are you selling it?” The best answers in this situation would be because the mower was too small for their property or they are moving. If they just say that they purchased a new one, they most likely believe that their mower is not in ideal condition. Why else would you upgrade from a perfectly good mower.
You should also check the condition of the motor oil, ask for maintenance receipts and look at the shape of the cutting blade. If the blade itself is old, bent or un-sharpened, the seller probably did not take good care of their riding mower.
Pay Someone To Cut Your Lawn
Another way to avoid the cost of a new riding mower is to pay someone to do the work for you.
The trick here is finding somebody to cut your lawn who does it on a part time basis. Do any of your neighbors want to cut your lawn for some extra money or do they have a high school kid who needs some work? Going this route will save you a fortune compared to hiring a professional landscape company to do the work.
The great thing about going this route is that you can buy yourself some time. This might enable you to come up with the money that you need or allow your credit to rebound so that you can finance. You need to be careful though, because over the course of a year, you could pay in labor what you would have paid for the mower. For most people, this will be a short term solution.
Maintain A Smaller Area
One final option is to simply change how much of your yard you cut. If you are looking for a riding mower, you likely have two or more acres of land that you are looking to maintain. If you have two acres, you also probably do not live in an HOA neighborhood.
What all this means is that you may be able to maintain less than the entire lot and that could allow you to use a smaller mower, even a push one.
If you decide to go this route, you can simply maintain an area around your immediate home. You can then let the rest go until you can afford to buy or finance a riding mower. You could also choose to simply pay someone to cut the extra area on a quarterly basis. This can not only save you a ton of money on a riding mower, but it can also greatly reduce your maintenance time.