A man cutting a lawn as a business.

Do I Need Money To Start A Business?

For many, the ultimate goal in life is to be their own boss. Owning your own business is a dream but it takes a lot of work and perhaps a little money. But do you really need money to start a business? Maybe and maybe not, let us find out.

Money can solve a number of problems in life, but what about your work problems? Have you thought about quitting your job and starting your own business? You might think that you need a lot of money to start a business, but this might not be the case. Let us take a look at the idea of starting a business without any money. Can it be done?

Funding A New Business

Money makes everything in life easier, there is no getting around that. If you are looking to start a business, you realize this, which is why you want to be in business. You want to earn money. But how do you fund a startup business when you have no money?

One option is to borrow that money and here is how to do it, even if you have bad credit.

Use An Online Lender

This will be the easiest route, and we can help. You might be surprised at just what kind of loan offer you can qualify for, even with bad credit. Best of all, there is no obligation in just getting a loan quote, because everyone deserves a second chance.

Getting a second chance personal loan might be the answer to your business woes because it can give you up to $50,000 in capital. Here is how it works.

Use the link above to go to the online quote form where you can enter some basic information about yourself and how much you need to borrow.

Enter your information and then submit the form to the online lending group and get your answer. If approved, one lender will make you a cash offer that you can use to fund your startup business. It is that easy and, there is no obligation.

Borrow From Family

If an online loan is not the solution, you still may be able to borrow money from you friends and/or family. This is a great option, because your family will probably not charge you interest on the money. There is no beating a no interest loan, especially when you have the weight of starting a business on your shoulders.

For success with borrowing from family and friends, be certain to do one thing, take the loan seriously. Treat it as you would a loan from a regular bank and you can avoid the problems that come with loans from close acquaintances.

Pay As You Go

One last option is to simply pay for your new business as you go.Simply keep your day job while you start and build a business.

While not as desirable an option as going full throttle into a business, this option has one big advantage. You can keep the security of your day job. No need to go out on a limb, investing everything that you have on a new company. Just buy what you need, as you get the money and slowly grow your company.

Obviously, this approach will not work on all businesses, but it may be an option for your business idea, especially if you are getting into something that you can do part time, such as catering or a service industry companies.

Starting A Low Cost Startup

If borrowing or “paying as you go” is not the best option to get the money that you need to start a business, your next best alternative is to choose a business that does not require that much money. Believe it or not, there are plenty of businesses that you can start with next to no money. Here are some examples.

Lawn Care Businesses

If you have a house with a lawn, you probably already have everything that you need to start making money cutting lawns.

The great thing about the lawn care business is that once you have a client, you have a long term client. Nobody likes cutting the grass and the grass never stops growing. This makes it easy to earn a long client list in short order.

If you already have the equipment to take care of your lawn, you are all set to begin cutting as a professional. If not, invest about 500 dollars in the equipment that you need to get started. Next, simply reach out to your friends and family and let them know that you are in business. Create a simple, and free, facebook page to help spread the word.

House Cleaning Businesses

House cleaning has a lot in common with lawn care. Once you gain a client, they will be a long term client because. Just like how grass always grows, homes will always get dirty and nobody wants to clean them.

Also, just like lawn care, you probably already have everything that you need to start a company. A vacuum, mop, assorted cleaners and rags is all that you need. The only thing that you need to do is market your business with your friends or throw up some cheap flyers with a door to door advertising campaign.

There is a lot of competition in the maid world, but if you do good work, you can succeed.

Web Design

Have a knack for creating websites? This is a great business to open with low overhead and large profit potential. Web designers will always be in demand, because the internet is not going anywhere.

The beauty of a website design business is that most of what is needed to run it is you. You likely already have the software needed to create websites and if not, you can use a free, open source system like WordPress. With nearly a quarter of the internet running on WordPress, it is a good choice.

Content Writing

Going hand in hand with web design is content writing.

All of these website owners out there need content. They either lack the time to create it or the expertise and are willing to pay you for it.

If you want to go into content writing, you can either start your own business or sell your content to as established business as a free agent. Even better, do both. Start selling content to an existing business while you build your own content creation service.


There are literally dozens of small businesses that you an start for well under 1500 dollars. This is an amount of money that nearly any potential small business owner should be able to come up with. If you can not, you should consider getting your regular finances in order before exploring the potential of going out on your own.