Happy about a 90 day loan

90 Day Bad Credit Loans

Need a payday loan but also want more time to pay it off? We can help you with a 90 day installment loan quote, even if you have bad credit. Take a minute to complete the short quote form and get an offer from one of our lenders. Decisions are fast and there is no obligation so why not get to it.

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Installment Loans For Bad Credit

If you need more than a few weeks to pay back a loan, you do NOT want a payday loan. Payday loans are due to be repaid in two weeks or less, when you get paid. They can give you the money you need fast but the short loan term is difficult to deal with.

What you really want is an installment loan. Installment loans can be stretched out much longer than payday loans. You can get them for 30 days or 30 months, depending on how much you borrow and your credit.

Another benefit to the installment loan is that it can be used to get more money. Payday loans are capped by state limits. Installment loans do not have the same limitations. This lets you get more money if you need it. More money might let you properly handle your emergency. Plus, since the loan term is longer, the loan payment will be more manageable.

Finally, you do not have the same kind of fees with an installment loans. Sure, there may be origination fees and there will be interest but it often adds up to be less than with a payday loan.

Get Money In 90 Days

Now that you have your loan quote, you need to find a way to make it easier to pay off. Hopefully, the monthly payment fits nicely into your budget and it won’t be a strain on you. Even if it isn’t, you will probably feel the extra expense so let’s look at some ways you can come up with some money to pay back your 90 day loan.

Sell Something

We all have some extra stuff lying around just taking up space. Why not sell it and use the money to pay off your 90 day loan. Here are some things that you can sell, some obvious, some you might not have thought about.

Electronics are some of the easiest things to get rid of. Thins like laptop computers, tablets, video game systems, etc. They can bring high dollar amounts and will sell within a few days if you list them correctly. The easiest place to sell this stuff is on websites like Craigslist. They are free but you have to be careful of con artists looking to rip you off.
Another option is eBay which will cost you and you will have to deal with shipping. Despite the drawbacks, you will usually get more money for your property on auction websites like eBay.

Household Goods
There are probably all kinds of extra household goods lying around that you do not use. This could be furniture, cookware or household appliances.
The easiest way to sell this kind of property is with a good old fashioned garage sale. Be sure to check with your city to see if a permit is required. Hold your sale on Saturday and Sunday morning. There is no reason to be open all day, 8-noon should do, because the action usually dies down later in the day. If you find enough to sell, just 8 hours of your time on the weekend could pay off your 90 day loan.

Clean Out Your Junk Drawer
Go take a look at your junk drawer and see what is in there.
For one, it could contain old jewelry. Jewelry goes out of style. When it does, your best bet to sell it is by the ounce. Take your old jewelry to a gold and silver store and walk out with cash. It will clean up your junk drawer and cut down on the debt from your 90 day loan.
Is there an old cellular phone in there? Places like Gazelle will send you money for them. That phone just loses value every day, so get rid of it now.
Now, reach way down to the bottom of the drawer and scoop up all of the change. Put it in a bag and take it to a coin counter machine. Your bank might have one or they can be found in most grocery stores.

Are you good with needles? If so, you can make three hundred dollars to four hundred dollars a month selling your plasma. You can keep making this money every month because plasma is in high demand. This alone can pay the monthly payment from your payday loan.

Metal Scrap
Have you ever driven through a neighborhood and seen junk just lying at the curb? Well, some of that junk is actually gold. There could be recyclable metal in those piles. Metal that recyclers will pay good money for. They buy all kinds of metal, not just aluminum cans. They also buy copper, stainless steel and more.

Work For It

Another great way to pay off your loan is to work for it. Just adding a few extra hours a week to your work schedule could pay off that 3 month payday loan. Let it be known at your work that you are willing to pick up shifts.

If overtime is not available, you can pick up a part time job to make the extra money. Walmart, for example is always hiring and because they are open 24 hours, you can fit the work into any schedule. Plus, they recently raised their minimum wage, so you will be able to make some decent part time income.

Make Budget Cuts

You do have a budget right? If not, you need to set one. It helps you see where your money is going each month so that you can make the appropriate cuts.

To pay for your loan, instead of making more money, you can cut what you spend. It all works out the same.

The easiest way to cut is to eliminate your satellite or cable bill. If you have not cut the cord yet, join the thousands of people that are doing so. Hulu and Netflix subscriptions are just a fraction of the cost of a standard cable bill.

You can also eliminate luxury expenses that are not needed like lunches and dinners out. Choose to brown bag it twice a week and you could save $80 a month. Plus, you might even feel better and lose weight.

There are literally dozens of other ways to trim your budget. Shop for cheaper insurance, get a smaller cell phone plan, put your gym on hold, the list goes on and on.